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Inter-Continental currently uses a HP-8510C and/or a HP-8722 network analyzer for testing ICM fixtures and calibration kits. We do provide the cal coefficient data for the HP-8510C and HP-8722 (this format also applies to HP-8720) to our customers as needed. We understand that not all of our customers have either of these analyzers and the supplied data format is not usable. In this case, we can provide the data in written form so that the customer can input the data manually for the type of analyzer they have. We also provide written instructions for several other analyzers for inputting the cal coefficient data and provide this as needed. Unfortunately we do not have instructions for every type of analyzer available. Depending on the level of knowledge our customers have with their analyzers, this may be a challenge. According to HP, this information is provided with all analyzers in the users manual. However if the customer needs help with this, they should contact the HP representative that supports their analyzer for some technical guidance on how to input the data correctly.